Laerd Login Instructions
1. Go to our Plans & Pricing page (
2. Enter the coupon code, Laerd-ACU-2024-25, into the "Coupon" box, and click on the "Apply coupon" button. You will be sent to the "Sign up" page.
3. Enter your first name, last name, and university email address (i.e., your email address), and create a password. Click on the "Create an account" button.
4. Check your university email inbox for an email from "Laerd Statistics", which will include a link. This email may have gone into your spam folder.
5. Click on the link in the email, which will verify your email address, and send you to our login page.
6. Enter your university email address and the Laerd Statistics password you created to get immediate access to our site.
The whole process should take around 1-2 minutes. You can use the coupon code any time until 12th December 2025.