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BIBL 000: Bible Dictionaries/Encyclopedias and Commentaries

Bible dictionaries provide in-depth, encyclopedic articles on books of the Bible, people, places, topics, events, and practices mentioned in the Bible. Many dictionary articles include select bibliographies for further study, and this feature contributes to the usefulness of dictionaries at the beginning of the research process.

Dictionary Sample

Note in the sample page below:

  • The extensive bibliographies often found in Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias (like the one pictured on p. 419 below) are extremely helpful as a starting place for further research on a given topic.
  • The author is usually listed at the end of the article as is the case in this instance. Finding author names is important for citing dictionaries and encyclopedias as sources for research papers. 
  • Occasionally you will look up a word or phrase that redirects you to a different article in the dictionary (e.g. JEWISH QUEST FOR JESUS. See Quest for the Historical Jesus). Familiarity with this format is important for being able to successfully navigate a dictionary and finding the information you need.

Evans, C. A., and R. E. Van Voorst. "Jesus in Non-Christian Sources." DJG 414-19.