Your professional organizations will help you broaden your knowledge, network in your professional community, and gain access to current events in your career area.
So start now and begin exploring your professional organizations' web sites.
The Association aims to articulate policy and implement programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future. Members include college and university faculty, researchers, students, and practitioners. (Discounted student membership rates are available.)
Division of the U.S. Department of Justice that provides statistics in the areas of crime, law enforcement, criminal offenders, drugs and crime, and more.
The New York Public Library's digitized collections online including the Culture & Society collection, which features collections related to customs, family life, fashion, social history, traditions and much more.
Includes information on population and family planning, specifically research in contraceptive methods, family planning services, research in human fertility, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS in developing countries, program operations and evaluation, demography, and other related health, law, and policy issues. Many documents are unique to the collection and are unavailable elsewhere.
Some of the purposes are: to promote and protect sociological research and teaching on significant problems of social life and, particularly, to encourage the work of young sociologists; to foster cooperative relations among persons and organizations engaged in the application of scientific sociological findings to the formulation of social policies; and to encourage problem-centered social research. (Discounted student membership rates are available.)
The SocioWeb is an independent guide to the sociological resources available on the Internet and is founded in the belief that the Internet can help to unite the sociological community in powerful ways.