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Master of Marriage & Family Therapy Online Program (MMFT)

Library resources for marriage and family therapy online students.

Approved (Acceptable) List of Journals

Family Therapy
Family Science
Family Health
Family Law
Family Economics
Family Spirituality

Searching for Articles within Acceptable Journals

To search for articles in the Acceptable List of Journals, you can either click on the link to a journal, then use their search function to search for articles within that journal, or you can follow the steps below to search within more than one journal.

  1. Go to the Start Here page and click on the OneSearch link (do not put in any search terms yet).
  2. Click on Advanced Search under the search box.
  3. Change the drop down on the first box to SO Journal Title/Source
  4. Type in titles of acceptable journals using quotes and focusing on which journals might contain your topic (see screenshot).
  5. Use the word "or" to type in multiple journal titles (see screenshot) or copy and paste the journals using the search strings below.
  6. Type in your topic in the next box
  7. Click Search


Search Strings to Copy


For your convenience, we include search strings you can copy and paste into your searches. Please be advised, these strings are not complete searches, as they include no subject terms. They are only meant to help filter your searches to include only approved journals.

Using Advanced Search

When using the Advanced Search feature of OneSearch, paste the appropriate string into its own box and set the box as SO Journal Title/Source from the drop-down (as shown in the top box of the screenshot above).

Non-Advanced Search

If not using the Advanced Search boxes, include AND SO(paste content here) in addition to your other search terms. (The SO is equivalent to selecting Journal Title/Source from the drop-down, as SO means Source, and the parentheses are necessary).

For example: adolescence AND relationships AND SO("Journal of Family Ministry" OR "Spirituality in Mental Health" OR "Journal of Youth Ministry")


To Search All Journals from the Approved List

"American Journal of Family Therapy" OR "Couple and Family Psychology" OR "Couple & Family Psychology" OR "Family Process" OR "Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology" OR "Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology" OR "Couple and Relationship Therapy" OR "Couple & Relationship Therapy" OR "Family Psychotherapy" OR "Feminist Family Therapy" OR "Sex & Marital Therapy" OR "Sex and Marital Therapy" OR "Families in Society" OR "Family Relations" OR "Comparative Family Studies" OR "Divorce and Remarriage" OR "Divorce & Remarriage" OR "Family History" OR "Family Issues" OR "Family Psychology" OR "Family Studies" OR "Family Theory and Review" OR "Family Theory & Review" OR "Family Violence" or "Marital and Family Therapy" OR "Marital & Family Therapy" OR "Marriage and Family Review" OR "Marriage & Family Review" OR "Michigan Family Review" OR "Open Family Studies" OR "Archives of Suicide Research" OR "Eating Disorders" OR "Families, Systems, & Health" OR "Families, Systems, and Health" OR "Family and Community Medicine" OR "Family & Community Medicine" OR "Family and Reproductive Health" OR "Family & Reproductive Health" OR "Mental Health in Family Medicine" OR "American Journal of Family Law" OR "Family Law Quarterly" OR "Journal of Family Law" OR "Law and Family Studies" OR "Law & Family Studies" OR "Journal of the Center for Families" OR "Family Economics and Nutrition Review" OR "Family Economics & Nutrition Review" OR "Family and Economic Issues" OR "Family & Economic Issues" OR "Journal of Family Ministry" OR "Spirituality in Mental Health" OR "Journal of Youth Ministry"

To Search Approved Journals in FAMILY THERAPY

"American Journal of Family Therapy" OR "Couple and Family Psychology" OR "Couple & Family Psychology" OR "Family Process" OR "Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology" OR "Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology" OR "Couple and Relationship Therapy" OR "Couple & Relationship Therapy" OR "Family Psychotherapy" OR "Feminist Family Therapy" OR "Sex & Marital Therapy" OR "Sex and Marital Therapy"

To Search Approved Journals in FAMILY SCIENCE

"Families in Society" OR "Family Relations" OR "Comparative Family Studies" OR "Divorce and Remarriage" OR "Divorce & Remarriage" OR "Family History" OR "Family Issues" OR "Family Psychology" OR "Family Studies" OR "Family Theory and Review" OR "Family Theory & Review" OR "Family Violence" or "Marital and Family Therapy" OR "Marital & Family Therapy" OR "Marriage and Family Review" OR "Marriage & Family Review" OR "Michigan Family Review" OR "Open Family Studies"

To Search Approved Journals in FAMILY HEALTH

"Archives of Suicide Research" OR "Eating Disorders" OR "Families, Systems, & Health" OR "Families, Systems, and Health" OR "Family and Community Medicine" OR "Family & Community Medicine" OR "Family and Reproductive Health" OR "Family & Reproductive Health" OR "Mental Health in Family Medicine"

To Search Approved Journals in FAMILY LAW

"American Journal of Family Law" OR "Family Law Quarterly" OR "Journal of Family Law" OR "Law and Family Studies" OR "Law & Family Studies" OR "Journal of the Center for Families"

To Search Approved Journals in FAMILY ECONOMICS

"Family Economics and Nutrition Review" OR "Family Economics & Nutrition Review" OR "Family and Economic Issues" OR "Family & Economic Issues"

To Search Approved Journals in FAMILY SPIRITUALITY

"Journal of Family Ministry" OR "Spirituality in Mental Health" OR "Journal of Youth Ministry"