Your professional organizations will help you broaden your knowledge, network in your professional community, and gain access to current events in your career area.
So start now and begin exploring your professional organizations' web sites.
An advocate for the field of theatre and performance in higher education, ATHE serves as an intellectual and artistic center for producing new knowledge about theatre and performance-related disciplines, cultivating vital alliances with other scholarly and creative disciplines, linking with professional and community-based theatres, and promoting access and equity. (Discounted student membership rates are available.)
Organization dedicated to the advancement of Christian artists in all theatrical disciplines. Publishes Christianity and Theatre Magazine. (Discounted student membership rates are available.)
The New York Public Library's digitized collections online including Dance in Photographs and Prints, New York City Theatre Photographs, American Popular Song Sheets, and much more.
A combination of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists representing 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcasters journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other media professionals. Affiliate of the AFL-CIO.
SWTFA fosters interaction and exchange among those engaged in all aspects of theatre and film through an annual conference, publications, advocacy and support for its constituency in Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. (Discounted student membership rates are available.)
The mission of TETA, Inc. shall be to support, promote and expand educational theatre at all levels in the state of Texas by providing quality educational opportunities, a network of resources, a base for advocacy, and a forum for establishing standards, programs and projects that celebrate the importance of the theatre in the human experience. (Discounted student membership rates are available.)