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Government Documents: Smithsonian

A guide for the Government Documents Collection

Mission Statement

Our Mission: The increase and diffusion of knowledge.


Smithsonian Collections

  • 138 million artifacts, works of art and specimens in the Smithsonian's collections
  • 127 million of these specimens and artifacts are held by the National Museum of Natural History
  • 9 million digital records available online through the Collections Search Center
  • 2 million library volumes held by Smithsonian Institution Libraries
  • 156,830 cubic feet of archival material held by Archives across the Smithsonian

Bulletins of the U.S. National Museum

Here are a couple of ways to search these bulletins.

  1. By number 
  2. By date, author or title

Museum Research and Libraries

Check out the research taking place in the Smithsonian Museums.

Smithsonian libraries include books, digital collections, online exhibitions and more.

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