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Doctor of Nursing Practice

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What is PICOT?

PICOT is a framework that helps one remember the key components of a well focused question.  The question needs to identify the key problem of the patient, what treatment to consider, alternative treatment considered (if any), what is the outcome you want to avoid or promote, and the timeframe.

PICOT is used to create a researchable question based on a clinical situation encountered.  Based on your PICOT question, you will identify keywords and/or subject terms to use in database searches. 


From Hawaii Pacific University NUR 4700 LibGuide


Patient / Population / Problem: What are the characteristics of the patient population of interest and their associated problem/disease/disorder to be addressed? 
Examples: age, gender, and ethnicity.

Intervention: What action or change (evidence-based intervention) would affect the patient/population/problem? 
Think of this element as the independent variable. Examples: therapy, treatment, process change, or preventative measures.

Comparison / Control: What alternative intervention will be compared to the project's evidence-based intervention? 
Examples: a different intervention, the usual standard of care, not intervening at all.

Outcome: What is the measurable patient outcome? What does the intervention accomplish, improve, or affect? 
Think of this element as the dependent variable. 

Time: In what timeframe should the intervention achieve the outcome? 

Adapted from: Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (3rd Ed). Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 

Example PICOT Question: 
For adolescents with type II diabetes (P), does the use of telehealth consultations (I) compared to in-person consultations (C) improve blood sugar control (O) over 3 months (T)?