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BIBM 701 Library Orientation for DMin Students


This guide includes information about the ACU Brown Library's resources and services that is of special interest to students beginning ACU's DMin program. Many resources are available in electronic format and accessible from any computer off‐campus via ACU Single-Sign-On authentication. These resources can be found through the library website at

As you begin the program, these members of our library team may be especially helpful to you:

Dr. Melissa Atkinson, Director of Distance & Online Library Services. Phone: 325.674.4811; email:
Avery Weems, Distance & Online Services Librarian. Phone: 325.674.2465; email:

  • Dr. Atkinson is especially adept at identifying and resolving technical problems re: accessing digital library resources. Contact her if you have problems accessing library databases and have tried without success the tips provided in the troubleshooting guide (see page, Access and Troubleshooting, then Troubleshooting guide). See also the comprehensive Distance Learning Portal created by Dr. Atkinson.
  • Avery is especially adept at navigating Zotero, the free citation management tool. Contact her if you have questions about using Zotero. You can view the recorded Zotero webinar to get started using Zotero on the Library Tutorials page on the left.

Kelsey Weems. Interlibrary Loan Coordinator (ILL). Phone: 325.674.2398; email: Kelsey manages ILL's and provides digital copies of chapters and sections of books to non-residential DMin students.

DeDe James, Public Services Coordinator. Phone: 325.674.2346; email: DeDe oversees the process of checking out library materials to residential students and to anyone who checks out books while on ACU's campus.

While Craig is often your first point of contact for reference assistance, you may choose to ask questions via our virtual reference service. For more information on this service, see the Ask a Librarian tab on the left.


ACU OneSearch (Click to go to OneSearch without entering search terms)

Search most of the library's subscribed databases at once, which also includes items from the catalog (books, media, and ebooks).