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ACU Library Resources for IDs & SMEs

ACU Brown Library resource overview for IDs and SMEs.

Director of Distance & Online Library Services (Dr. Atkinson)


My name is Dr. Melissa Atkinson, and I am the Director of Distance & Online Library Services at the ACU Library. My colleague, Avery Weems, is the Distance & Online Services Librarian. You can contact either of us for help with selecting and refining a research topic, searching our databases, troubleshooting access issues, getting citation help, or other library help. My focus is helping you with your dissertation topic selection and narrowing your topic.

I have earned a B.S. in mathematics education (ACU, 1994), a M.S.L.S. (UNT, 2000), and a Ph.D. (Regent University, 2019). I have been a librarian at ACU for 23 years. My doctoral program was primarily an online program and my concentration was distance education.


Office hours (CST): Mon: 12pm-2pm; Tue: 10am-12pm & 2pm-3pm; Thu: 10am-12pm (These are Central Times)

Book an Appointment! (Please book an appointment at least 2 hours ahead of time). Click on the appointment link for a research consultation or other library help (times are Central Time Zone).
We can use email, chat, phone, Zoom, or Google Meet. My office hours are listed above. You can always email me at any time with questions.
Other Contact Information:
Phone: 325-674-4811
Toll free: 1-877-588-554
Chat: If I am available, you can use the chat box on my Profile page (available Mon: 2pm-4pm and Tue: 7pm-9pm CST)