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ACU College of Business Administration Professional Development Resources

Welcome Finance Majors!

Welcome Finance majors! Explore our comprehensive range of resources, including where to find internships, certifications, and real-time resources for finance students.


Career Paths to Explore for Finance Majors

Internships: How to Find Them & When to Apply

An internship is a short-term work experience offered by companies and other organizations for people—usually students - to get some entry-level exposure to a particular industry or field. Internships allow you to :

  • Gain real world work experience
  • Increase your ability showcase your professional skills
  • Confirm a career path you want to enter in to after graduation
  • Increase your professional network

Check out this presentation to learn how to get started with your internship search!

Although you can have as many internship experiences as you'd like, many students will choose to pursue their internship the summer before their senior year of college.  Hear about a Finance student's internship experience!


Post Grad Certifications by Blake Hill

Books on Finance