1. The Learning Commons exists for the academic and cultural enrichment of students and employees. It is an academic environment, not a general purpose room or reception hall. Activities in the Learning Commons need to be in keeping with its purpose.
2. The Learning Commons cannot be open without someone from the library present to oversee the facilities. If a valid campus group or department wants the Learning Commons to be open when it would normally be closed, the decision is dependent on the availability of Learning Commons staff. The group requesting the Learning Commons agrees to pay for that staff member(s)' time.
3. The library typically does not allow non-ACU groups to use its facilities for commercial, selling, or advertising purposes, even if that group agrees to pay for student coverage. We consider such gatherings to be a conflict of interest in our stewardship of facilities. The Learning Commons operates under the same guidelines.
To schedule an event please contact Penny Ruot at psr08a@acu.edu or at 674-2344.