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Archival Data
- Federal Employee Viewpoint Surveys conducted by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
- Eurofound: (European Quality of Life, European Working Conditions Survey, European CompanySurvey):
- APA Links to datasets and repositories:
- NIH Publicly Available Databases for Aging-Related Secondary Analyses in the Behavioral and Social Sciences:
- Cornell’s list of data sources:
- List of data sources from Quora:
- A couple of studies based on archival datasets:
- Fernandez, S., & Moldogaziev, T. (2013). Employee empowerment, employee attitudes, and performance: Testing a causal model. Public Administration Review, 73(3), 490-506. DOI: 10.1111/puar.12049
- Shultz, K. S., Wang, M., & Olson, D. A. (2010). Role overload and underload in relation to occupational stress and health. Stress and health, 26(2), 99-111. DOI: 10.1002/smi.1268