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Criminal Justice: Crime Statistics

Library resources and research tips for Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, and Policing topics.

General Sources

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics

Criminal justice characteristics; public opinion; crime and victims; arrests and seizures; courts, prosecution and sentencing; parole, jails, prisons and death penalty. Data from 1972-present.

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Crimes, courts, victims, law enforcement, correctional units

Two Major National Crime Measures

Uniform Crime Reports

Official crime counts for the United States for each year since 1930.  Includes information about crimes, demographics of people who commit crimes, and statistics on the police force.  Information is for the United States as whole down to the county/city level.

Major series:


National Crime Victimization Survey

Reported and unreported crime from the victims' perspectives.  National-level only.

Major series: