Credo Reference is a collection of encyclopedia and dictionary entries which can be cited. Credo is a great place to begin research if you are exploring and need basic information.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine is an ACU database that has a useful tool for exploring topics. The Topic Finder helps the researcher explore a topic while finding related articles.
Simple search in CINAHL: Type Subject term and click SEARCH
Select your Major Concept on the left and all useful Subheadings on the right. Then, SEARCH DATABASE
Finally, limit on left by FULL TEXT and the year range. SEARCH.
Advanced search in CINAHL:
In CINAHL like other EBSCO databases you can filter your results by scrolling down to the Limit Your Results section of the Advanced Search screen.
RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS CHECKBOX: This will filter your results to randomized controlled trials research articles only.
RESEARCH ARTICLE CHECKBOX: This will filter your results for research articles, both quantitative and qualitative. However, BOTH primary AND secondary research articles will be retrieved, so you will need to examine your results carefully.
PUBLICATION TYPE: Try Clinical Trial, Randomized Controlled Trial, or another publication type appropriate for the studies you need.
CLINICAL QUERIES: Choose the appropriate focus area for your question (Therapy, Prognosis, Review, Qualitative, or Causation) and desired scope (High Sensitivity=more articles/some less relevant, High Specificity=fewer articles/higher relevance, or Best Balance). Again, BOTH primary AND secondary research articles will be retrieved, so you will need to examine your results carefully.
Try using each of these options separately. These will work with keyword searches as well as subject searches. If you are looking for a very specific type of study, try including the study type as a keyword instead of using limiters.
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