Capitalize the main words in the document title. If there is a colon in the title (a subtitle), capitalize the main words after the colon.
Alphabetize your Works Cited list by the first word of the citation, usually the author's last name. If there is no author, alphabetize by the first main word in the title (ignore A, An, or The).
Double space all of the citations on your Works Cited page.
Indent the second & following lines of the citation 5-7 spaces.
Page Numbers: If an article is several continuous pages long, use inclusive page numbers (e.g., 21-23). If the article is several pages long but the pages are not continuous, use the first page number followed by a + sign (e.g., 14+). If no page numbers are available, use n. pag.
Abbreviating Months: When you include the month in the publication date or date of access, abbreviate to the first three letters (e.g., Dec.). May, June, & July do not need abbreviations.
URL or Web Address: You do not need to use a URL in an MLA citation, unless your professor requires it. If so, give the complete address at the end of the citation, in brackets, and end with a period (e.g., < >.).
This is an example of a works cited page. Pay close attention to punctuation and capitalization because your teacher will.
Works Cited
Bartra, Valentin. "An Institutional Framework for a More Efficient Use
of Natural Resources." Minerals & Energy 22.1-2 (2007): 48-61.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Jun. 2009.
Hallin, Daniel C. "Sound Bite News." Journal of Communication 42.2
(2000): 5-24. Print.
"Jean Piaget." Psychologists & Their Theories for Students. Vol. 2. Ed.
Kristine Krapp. Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale, 2005. Print.
Lavelle, Marianne. "Behind the Teen Birth Decline." U.S. News & World
Report 11 June 2008: 22. Print.
Martin, Wendy. The Cambridge Introduction to Emily Dickinson. Leiden:
Cambridge UP, 2007. Ebook Library. Web. 23 June 2009.
Martinez, Ruby J. “Understanding Runaway Teens.” Street Teens.
Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Greenhaven Press, 2012. N. pag. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Dec. 2011.
Swedberg, Richard. "Economic Sociology." Encyclopedia of Sociology. Ed.
Edgar Borgatta and Rhonda Montgomery. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. New York:
Macmillan Reference USA, 2000. Print.
“Teens Run Away to Gain Control of Their Lives.” Street Teens. Ed.
Dedria Bryfonski. Greenhaven Press, 2012. N. pag. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Dec. 2011.
Thriller. Dir. John Landis. Perf. Michael Jackson. Optimum
Productions, 1983. YouTube. Web. 29 June 2009.
"Underage Drinking." Medline Plus. U.S. National Library of
Medicine and National Institutes of Health, 19 June 2009.
Web. 29 June 2009.
Will, George. "A Health 'Reform' to Forget." Washington Post 28
June 2009, final ed.: A17. ProQuest Newspapers. Web. 29 June
World Almanac and Book of Facts. New York: Funk, 2007. Print.